3 New Liquor Trends to Try in 2019

Still buying the same old stuff at your local liquor store in Richmond? There’s nothing wrong with that but if you want to broaden your liquor knowledge, going outside the box might open up your world to a lot more options. You never know what you might discover. 

You might want to watch out for these liquors when you go to a liquor store in Richmond like West Coast Liquor Company as they are generating a buzz this ear: 

1. Subcategorized sour beers.

Sour beers are no longer just this big category of beers people deem funky. Expect the beer industry to have subcategories of these beers soon – from fruited sour beers to kettle sours, there is going to be a proliferation of these sour beers in the market pretty soon.

2. Hybrid drinks 

Move over cocktail drinks because hybrid drinks are here to stay. We’re starting to see a lot of crossovers when it comes to liquor types. Just take a look at the Rosé sour beers or the wines aged in bourbon barrels out there. 

3. Low-proof cocktails 

Studies say the younger generation are more into low and no-proof cocktail drinks compared to the full-strength alternatives. It makes sense that more liquor companies are catering to this need. Even liquor bars have started making low and no-proof cocktails. 

Take a look around your liquor store if there is anything new. You would want to give the new trends a try and see how they can be incorporated in your life.

To know more About West Coast Liquor Kerrisdale Store please visit our website: westcoastliquor.com


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