Demystifying Wine Tasting Notes

When you are searching for the best wine to get at your local Wine Store in Burnaby, you might come across reviews of wine enthusiasts explaining the flavors of the wine in more intricate terms. In wine tasting events, wines can also be described in some terms that a layman might not understand.

Tasting notes are different for each type of wine. For instance, a red wine might have different characteristics as that of amber wine. A yellow one will also be different from a gold one.

Experts might use the terms expressive, melony and buttery to describe dry white wines. Melony is a term used to describe how ripe the wine used is. Chardonnay is more likely to be used with this term. Expressive refers to the terroir or the variety of the grape used.

You might also find words like limpid and rich being used. Limpid refers to the transparency or clearness of these wines without losing its natural color. Rich refers to the over-all ripeness of the wine and its viscosity.

When you hear a wine being described as floral, it generally refers to the smell of the wine akin to floral notes. “Heady” refers to how concentrated the wine is and refers to how it affects one’s head easily. For instance, a wine that is “over-heady” would mean the flavors are not balanced and tend to be overpowering.

Learning more about these tasting notes would help find a good wine. Try to brush up on your tasting notes vocabulary so you can shop for wines at a wine store in Burnaby such as West Coast Liquor Company with ease.

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