How to Get the Most From Your Bottle of Champagne

You spent a good amount of money on that bottle of champagne at a liquor store in Richmond. It’s only right that you savour every drop. Aside from scouting for the best champagne at a Liquor Store in Richmond such as West Coast Liquor Company, here are some tips on how to maximize your champagne drinking experience: 1. Chill your bottle of champagne properly. The ideal chilling temperature of champagne is 45-degrees Fahrenheit. This is important because if it doesn’t reach that level of coldness, the cork can fly up and hit you when you open it. 2. Cool down your bottle with 50% ice and 50% water. If you just got your bottle and you need a quick way to cool it down, this ratio is just right. More water means more surface area of the champagne bottle is being cooled down. 3. Use the right wine glasses. Stay away from flutes. Use your regular white wine glass. This should suffice and should allow you to get the most from your champagne....