What Wine Should You Get with Your Dessert?

One of the best ways to enjoy sweet treats is to pair them up with wine. If you don’t have wine handy when you are about to eat an amazing dessert, go for L iquor D elivery in Vancouver BC . With stores like West Coast Liquor offering liquor delivery in Vancouver, you can have the wine you want delivered at your doorstep. Try the following dessert and wine pairing suggestions: 1. Brownies go with wines that have fruity and dark notes. If you have brownies as dessert or any dessert that has the richness and chocolatey flavors of brownies, go for wine that has fruity flavors to balance out that richness. With that in mind, consider pairing your dessert with Ruby Port. 2. Pair your cheesecake with wines that have honey in them. Get something like the Chateau Lafourie-Peyraguey before devouring that slice of cheesecake. The honey content in this wine will mellow out the sweetness of the cheesecake. 3. Fruit pie can be enjoyed with fruity wi...