3 Best Times to Drink Liquor When Trying to Watch Weight

Drinking occasionally will probably not cause weight gain but indulging in more than the recommended amount of wine or any alcoholic drinks for that matter just might cause you to gain weight. But if you are smart about your drinking habits, you should be able to drink liquor even while trying to watch your weight. Here are some of the best times to drink when avoiding weight gain: 1. When you have healthier food options. Going to a potluck party? Make sure you bring lots of healthier food options. Bring a vegetable platter, for instance, so you can lessen the number of calories you take in. Besides, eating more vegetables means you’re ingesting more fibers, which can be good in maintaining your waistline. 2. When you’re the one mixing the drink. If you are in charge of making the cocktail drinks, opt for L iquor D elivery in Vancouver BC from stores like West Coast Liquor Company and choose drinks lower in calories. Some alcoholic...