Dark or Clear Liquor – Which One Is The Culprit to Your Hangover?

A 2009 study may have uncovered the truth about dark liquor. Interestingly, it has been found that people who got drunk from bourbon suffered a more intense hangover than people who drunk vodka. Note that both respondents drunk the same amount of alcohol. The reason behind this is because the body is more capable of absorbing alcohol coming from bubbly drinks such as clear liquor far better than it absorbs that of dark liquor. Congeners are also to be blamed. These are found in liquor and produced as a result of the fermentation process of alcohol. If the alcohol is aged in oak barrels, the congeners found in the barrels can also seep in the aging alcohol. According to studies, the congeners are the reasons why hangover is often present when consuming alcohol. For more details please visit our website: https://www.westcoastliquor.com/ It has also been found that dark liquor such as scotch and bourbon contain more congeners than their clear liquor counterpart su...